The end credits for Deadpool (2016) is a reference to Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986). Both of the films end with the same credit footage. Ferris Bueller's Day Off was a typical teenage film during the late 80s; much like Deadpool attracted teenagers in 2016. Not just the dialogue was used to reference the film, the setting was too. Deadpool uses a similar floral wallpaper and picture frames to FBDO to make the reference clear and even more realistic.
Deadpool references the 2010 film 127 Hours where the main character Aron Ralston falls while rock climbing and ends up getting his arm trapped underneath a boulder. He cuts his arm free so he is able to continue his decent down the mountain. Deadpool does a similar thing and cuts his arm off to prevent himself from being taken to the x-men mansion.
While on the freeway with Ajax and Colossus, once Ajax escapes on the bike, Colossus shackles Deadpool and he can be heard to say "Dead or alive you're coming with me." This is a line from Robocop.
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