Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Define POMO Quiz:

1.     Modernism
2.     Postmodernism
·        Postmodernism is a rejection of modernism (the movement in western arts, architecture and design) and traditional narrative structures like grand narratives (Lyotard). Postmodernism is characterised by using earlier styles and conventions; mixing different artistic styles and media together as well as a general distrust of theories. Postmodern media leads to alienation (Jameson) which challenges the traditional conventions of media texts by making them artistic but also meaningless to the audience (Chomsky).
3.     Bricolage
·        Taking something and putting it somewhere else to create something new.
4.     Pastiche
5.     Intertextuality
·        Referencing another text within a text.
6.     Parody
7.     Homage
  • ·        Creating a text or referencing an existing text, person or thing in honour or respect.

8.     Hyperreality
  • ·  Hyperreality is the inability to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality, especially in technologically advanced postmodern societies, like in Black Mirror.

9.     Simulacra
  • ·        A representation of something or someone in a simulated way.

10. Flattening effect 
  • ·        Postmodern films tend to rid texts of their emotional impact on viewers (Jameson). A traditional media convention would ensure the audience are manipulated into feeling sympathetic or empathetic for the characters. In postmodern texts, the audience don’t usually engage with the characters emotionally and the lives of the characters are shown emotionless. The audience’s emotions are manipulated by the director to add alienation (Jameson) between the characters in the text and the audience.

  1. 11. List 4 elements of Kramer's theory you might use in the exam.

  • ·        does not respect boundaries between sonorities
  • ·        challenges barriers between 'high' and 'low' styles
  • ·        distrusts binary oppositions
  • ·        presents multiple meanings and multiple temporalities

12. What are Brian Eno's main points in 'The Death of Uncool'?
13. What are the four elements of bricolage?
  • ·        Addition, Deletion, Substitution, Transposition.

14. What is Jameson's problem with postmodernism?
15. What is a hyper-spectator? Who coined the term?
16. What is Friedberg's theory? Apply to a text studied.
17. List 5 postmodern elements in Deadpool
18. List 5 postmodern elements in The Grand Budapest Hotel
19. List 5 postmodern elements in The Neon Demon or The Lego Movie
20. List 5 postmodern elements in Black Mirror
21. In what ways could postmodern media be considered amoral? Give 3 examples.
22. What is the future of postmodern media?

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